5 Tips to take better care of yourself
Taking care of yourself is so vitally important for your general health and wellbeing. Eating right, reducing stress, meditation, and exercising regularly are some of the ways you can get time out for yourself. Self-care can help you stay healthy mentally as well as physically. Moreover, it can make you more happy and resilient.
Selfcare doesn’t need to be anything grand and extra. It could be something as simple as taking a walk when you need some space to clear your head or get some fresh air. So, let’s take a look at 5 tips to take care of you.
5 Tips for self-care
With a busy routine and stressful jobs, this is where making self-care a priority for you. Otherwise, if neglected long-term this can lead to chronic stress, burnout, and mental health issues. Everyone deserves some rest and care. It is a practice of boundaries. Remember your health is most important first. Fill your cup up first then you can give your overflow to others. Here are some ways you can improve self-care:
1. Good quality sleep
Sleep significantly affects our mental and physical health. So start by making it a part of your self-care routine. Don’t waste time on social media or your phone before bed. Rather go to sleep on time so that you wake up well-rested. Research has shown that by going to bed between 9-10 pm and having a consistent routine, you will wake up feeling rested and refreshed. Also, stay away from caffeine and a heavy meal before bed so you can sleep easily. Keep your bedroom free from devices and distractions and only use it to sleep.
2. Eat a healthy balanced diet
Your diet can affect your health and feelings of vitality. The food you eat affects the bacteria in your stomach and causes positive or negative outcomes. So choose your food wisely and monitor which foods affect how you feel or the combination of food groups. Listen to your body, maintain a well-balanced diet, and healthy life. If you are feeling symptoms, have some tests done to guide you in the right direction to reverse any long-term effects which may cause disease.
3. Exercise
Yes, you have heard this a lot, but choose the exercise that you really enjoy, and then it feels like fun. Any exercise makes you physically strong but it also gives you mental strength. Moreover, it helps reduce anxiety and stress.
True, it might be a challenge to include exercise in your already packed routine. So aim to incorporate it in other ways like walking and parking far away from shops to increase your steps or join a sport that is social as well or a dance group. Anything you enjoy that can take your mind off your To-do list.
4. Learn to say NO!
If you’re someone who can’t say no to anyone, you might have faced situations where you felt overburdened by others. But if you keep saying yes to others, you’ll be walking towards burnout, anxiety, and stress.
When you say NO, you are saying YES to yourself! Giving yourself that well-deserved self-care you need to recharge yourself. Remember, you’re a human too, and you deserve a break. So when things get heavy, practice saying NO and give yourself some space in your already busy schedule.
5. Practice gratitude
Being grateful can improve your heart health, mood, as well as mental health. It has been proven to help with anxiety and depression. So, notice the things around you. No matter how big or small, appreciate their presence and write it down in your gratitude journal. Write what makes you happy and grateful for this life.
No matter what way you choose to take care of yourself, it is important that you do it without worrying about others. Don’t feel bad for saying no to things. Give yourself the time you deserve. But never stop practicing self-care.
Find out little ways you can take care of your mind and body. Make these habits a part of your life. For more guidance or accountability, get in touch with Linda Benn.