Post: Ascended Master Kuthumi 6th Dimensional Abundance Grid Prayer – 5th December 2005

Ascended Master Kuthumi 6th Dimensional Abundance Grid Prayer – 5th December 2005

Beloved Father-Mother God and divine Master Jesus, I ask that you facilitate the process of aligning my entire electro-magnetic field, my full chakric system on all levels through all dimensions, parallel and alternate, with the abundance grid within the 6th dimension abundance template currently in creation. I ask that you, mightiest creators of life that exist, bring all my subtle bodies, including my physical body, my emotional body and my mental body of this current timeline and any other timeline, into perfect and harmonious alignment with this abundance grid held within the 6th dimension.

I ask that all negative energies of a conscious, subconscious and unconscious nature within my current self and all parallel and alternate selves, be disengaged, dismantled and dislodged immediately under grace in perfect and miraculous ways.

I command the divine pure flow of untainted abundant love, joy, peace, harmony, self- worth, self-love, self-acceptance, success in all its forms and every other aspect of abundance which my soul believes is a part of my being come into manifestation immediately in accordance with the highest will of my soul under grace in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways.

I consciously choose to release myself from all fearful thoughts, fearful attitudes, conditionings, perceptions, and attitudes of victim consciousness. I consciously choose to release myself on all levels – conscious, subconscious and unconscious, in this timeline and in all parallel and alternate timelines from the genetic imprints of poverty consciousness, victim consciousness, conditional love consciousness, and lust consciousness that have resulted in me experiencing limitation in this current life and any other life I have lived. I consciously choose to live the divine template that Mother-Father God created for me at the very beginning of my existence and I command this template of divine love, divine light, divine wisdom, divine power, divine knowledge and divine truth become one with me now under grace in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways. In return I give up all fear. Beloved Mother-Father God I hand you my fears in return for my original divine will and plan.

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