Burnout To Balance

Post: Hand Exercises To Boost Your Energy And Balance Emotions

Hand Exercises To Boost Your Energy And Balance Emotions

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a form of ancient Japanese touch therapy.  Similar to accupressure, Jin Shin Jyutsu uses light touch over over certain areas of the body.  You can perform the following hand exercises to boost your energy and balance emotions, on yourself and others.  It works by  stimulating the meridians of our hands.

The process is simple:

  1. Each fingers is connected to different organs with its corresponding emotion and attitude.
  2. Hold the finger correlating to the organ you’d like to heal OR emotion you want to calm. Hold this for 3-5 minutes while breathing deeply.
  3. You can do a total body harmonisation should you wish to go through on all fingers on the chart.

Organs:  Stomach and Spleen

Emotions/Attitudes: Anxiety, Depression and Worry

Physical Symptoms: Stomach aches, skin problems, headache, nervousness

Organs:  Kidney and Bladder

Emotions/Attitudes: Frustration, Fear and Mental Confusion

Physical Symptoms: Upper arm discomfort, elbow, wrist, muscle and back aches, toothache and gum issues, addictions of any kind, digestive problems.

Organs:  Liver and Gallbladder

Emotions/Attitudes: Indecisiveness, Anger, Irritability

Physical Symptoms: Circulation problems, menstrual problems, eye/vision problems, fatigue, migraine, frontal headaches

Organs:  Lungs and Large Intestine

Emotions/Attitudes: Negativity, Sadness, Fear of Rejection, Grief

Physical Symptoms: Digestive problem, ringing in the ears, respiratory issues like asthma, deep skin conditions

Organs:   Heart and Small Intestine

Emotions/Attitudes:  Insecurity, Nervousness, Judgemental, Low Self- Esteem

Physical Symptoms: Blood pressure, heart conditions, sore throat, bloating, bone and nerve problems

Hand Exercises To Boost Your Energy And Balance Emotions

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