Energy healing tools for vitality, clarity, happiness & peace – in person

In this 2 hour live class, you will discover energy healing techniques to
* heal your own body,
* increase your energy immediately
* increase your clarity throughout the day
* feelings of peace & happiness
* releasing fear, worry, doubt

We are all energy, when you tap into your infinite source of energy from your higher self you can use that energy to create the outcome you want.
We will incorporate many different modalities including quantum physics, energy medicine, neuroscience and meditation to help you achieve the results in your life.

These steps are the foundation to the BENN Method of Balance, Energy, Nurture and Nourish resulting in freedom, love, peace and joy.

Linda Benn is a wellness alchemist with over 20 years experience as a practitioner, coach and facilitator. The BENN Method™ is a compilation of learning from hundreds of teachers, mentors and coaches over the last 30+ years.

The BENN Method™ helps you go from trauma to thriving, resulting in freedom, love, peace and joy. BENN = Balance, Energy, Nurture and Nourish. The BENN Method™ assists you to return to your true authentic self. To be fully empowered, to heal your body and soul, free of suffering and be at peace.

I look forward to sharing with you in person to support you on this journey to assist you to achieve freedom, love, peace and joy.

This 2 hour event will be held at 66 Northcote St. East Brisbane. Australia

Must RSVP and pay prior to the class – for first 10 people to sign up special offer of only $297. Payment can be made by EFT, cash or credit card using stripe

Next class is Saturday at 2pm-4pm

Email [email protected] for questions

Energy Healing Live Class