Post: Food And Mood | How Does Diet Affect Your Mental Health

Food And Mood | How Does Diet Affect Your Mental Health

While we think that there is little connection between what we eat and our brain, it can have a huge impact on our brain. Our diet does not only affect our physical health, but it also affects our mental health. Some foods can make us feel better, while some, on the other hand, can hurt our thought process. Hence, let’s dive into the details of the connection between food and your mood.

Different Ways Diet Affects Your Mental Health

A healthy diet can affect your mood positively. In the same way, eating unhealthy food can make you feel bad about yourself. The reason why it happens is that healthy food promotes the growth of good bacteria inside our bodies.

For example, sugar, while it can temporarily make you feel better, actually contributes to the growth of bad bacteria. This is one of the foods that contribute to inflammation. The inflammation, in return, messes with the production of positive thoughts.

How To Manage Mood and Food

If you follow a healthy diet, you can save yourself from unnecessary mood swings. Not only will you feel physically better, but also it will affect your ability to see the positives of life. People have been gaining interest in the relationship between mental health and a good diet.

Thus, some ways to manage a healthy relationship between your mood and food include:

  • Eating your food on time and regularly. As it helps with controlling your sugar level and overall makes you feel energetic. For example, you must eat breakfast. Also, you can try dividing your meal into small portions so that you can eat regularly as well as avoid excessive intake at one time.
  • Avoid foods that contain elements that may alter your sugar levels rapidly and result in fluctuation of mood.
  • Keep your body hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water each day.
  • Eat healthily and consume fruits and vegetables.
  • Increase intake of protein through foods like fish, egg, etc. Protein contains amino acids that contribute to the betterment of your thought process.
  • Eat different types of healthy food. Make your options more attractive so that you enjoy your food as well as gain all the necessary proteins and vitamins.

Foods For a Healthy Mind

Which foods contribute towards better mental health. Here are some foods that can help you:

  • Fatty fish such as salmon contain Omega-3 that can enhance your memory and your mental health. If you are lacking foods that contain enough omega-3 this can result in symptoms of depression.
  • You must eat real food or whole food and whole grains. Avoid any artificial preservatives or processed foods. Fresh fresh fruits, vegetables are considered healthy for your overall health.
  • Dark leafy green vegetables are brain protective. Nuts, seeds and legumes, such as beans and lentils are also excellent brain foods.
  • Turmeric spice and berries contain antioxidants. What that means is, they can reduce inflammation and can even help in reducing the sign of depression.


While there are many physical benefits of eating healthy food, there are many benefits in terms of mental health as well. Hence, it is important to look after what diet you have. If you want help with your mental health issues, Book an appointment with Linda.

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