How to Overcome Emotional Trauma: 9 Ways to Cope
Stressful and traumatic experiences can affect you for a long time. It feels like you’re stuck in a loop of those series of events that changed your life. The feeling of being trapped and the fear of things not getting better make life difficult. It seems hard to live life the same way as you did before that event. You might feel like life can’t get any better, but trust me, it does. You’re the one who controls your life – not anyone or anything else can change it. The emotional pain may seem a lot right now but there are ways you can get yourself out of this dark mental place. Here are 9 ways to cope with your emotional trauma and overcome the pain.
Don’t Try To Force Change
You don’t have to avoid your feelings and force yourself to be okay to feel okay. It might work for a while but won’t be very effective. Avoiding your feelings and acting like they don’t exist, won’t make things any easier in the long run. Try engaging in activities that make you feel positive, but don’t force yourself too much. Give yourself a break when your body or mind needs it.
Realize That Trauma Does Not Define You
Going through a traumatic event doesn’t mean you can’t feel happy again. Or that you don’t deserve to enjoy life. Highs and lows are a part of life. A traumatic event doesn’t take away your right to celebrate success or enjoy happiness in your life.
Know Your Triggers
To work towards improving your mental state, you first need to find out the triggers that make it worse. Whether it’s a busy routine, staying away from people, or finding it hard to sleep at night. Whatever the reason is, try to find out a solution for such triggers. And if you face trouble in doing so, you can discuss it with your mental health expert and take their guidance.
Prioritize Self-Care
Take care of your mind and body. Do things that make you feel happy and at peace. Work on perfecting your sleep schedule and maintaining a healthy diet. Spend time with your friends, go out for walks, spend time with your pet, meditate. Whatever a perfect day sounds like, try to have such perfect days often. Make yourself your first priority and give yourself the love and support you deserve.
Find support groups
Talking about trauma to those who haven’t experienced it, might seem like a waste of time. Because your mind feels like no one will understand the pain and darkness encompassing you since they haven’t been through what you have. In such a case, you can join a support group, where you can meet people who live with the same traumas and are trying to get over them. Instead of letting those thoughts run wild in your mind, let them out. You can learn about how these people lifted themselves up in the darkest of times, and how you can do it too. You can even ask your mental health expert to suggest you a group that can be helpful. There are also online forums and support groups which you can join.
Learn To Forgive
Many people blame themselves for the trauma they went through. The “what ifs” and “maybes” keep running in their mind and poke them about how things could have been different. But what’s done is done. Going over that same moment will only make you feel worse. There is no point in ruminating over those thoughts or moments and letting them consume you. Forgive yourself and others so you can move forward.
Seek Professional Help
The crippling fear of what might happen never leaves you. You’re always worried about things going wrong again. Such constant thoughts can be extremely damaging to your mental and physical health. If these thoughts start to interfere with your daily life activities, it is a clear sign that you need professional help. Opening up to someone or asking for help does not make you weak. Rather it shows how strong you are to take back control over your mind and life.
Don’t Wait for Perfection
Healing is not a linear process. It is a bumpy road with its own obstacles. It might take you longer than others to reach your destination, but that doesn’t mean you are not progressing. There will be days when you feel like nothing has improved and nothing will ever get better. But that’s not the truth. Don’t let the idea of achieving perfection stop you from moving forward.
Give yourself a break
Don’t bottle up your feelings thinking that they don’t matter. What you feel is valid and you don’t need anyone’s validation. Instead of fighting back your tears, cry and let your body release the pain it has been holding on to. Holding them in will only be toxic to your mind and body. Don’t trap yourself alone with your thoughts.
Moreover, give time to yourself. Spend some time out in the fresh air and exercise. According to experts, exercising is one of the most effective ways of dealing with the effects of traumatic events. Stretch your body, practice deep breathing, and walk for some time. However, don’t be too hard on yourself. Take rest when you feel like it.
The journey to recovery is not easy, especially if you try to walk it alone. Healing does not happen in a week or two. It takes time, patience, and a lot of strength. This is why it is important to reach out to your close ones and express your feelings. Let others help you in your journey back to a happy life. And if you find it hard to talk to others, write down your feelings. Express your thoughts through journaling and let out the thoughts trapped inside you. With consistency, support, and self-confidence, you will reach your destination soon. Remember, it’s never too late to ask for help.
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