Long Term Strategies to Help Deal with Constant Anxiety
Anxiety is a condition that can constantly make you fear or worry about things. Many people who worry about a new situation, circumstance or event are continually feeding worry and fear energy towards the thing they do not want then keeping the negative outcome alive.
Many people suffer from the condition of anxiety. They may even experience extreme conditions like panic attacks or having other physical symptoms. Also, these physical symptoms might be as bad as shaking, sweating, and always feeling sick. They may also experience difficulties with sleeping. The feeling of anxiety is having a negative impact on your general health, wellbeing and physiology in your body as well as mentally.
General Triggers of Anxiety
For different people, the feeling of anxiousness may differ. It is hard to identify one exact reason that may cause anxiety. Some people might feel anxious without any reason, or some people may have different reasons. However, some things or situations may contribute to feelings of anxiousness. These are called triggers.
Some general terms of anxiety include:
Caffeine Intake
Excessive caffeine intake can result in increased anxiousness. Caffeine increases the level of hormones responsible for anxiety.
Irregular Meals
If you constantly skip meals, you may experience a drop in your sugar levels. As a result, it can affect your mood and even trigger anxiety.
There are some medicines that may trigger anxiety. Due to the ingredients of these medicines, one may feel uncomfortable or worried all the time. You can discuss this with your doctor and find a better solution to the purpose of the medication.
Human Interaction
For some people, socializing may trigger anxiety. You may feel anxious where you have to interact with people you are not comfortable with. In some cases, you may even feel uneasy while interacting with your friends or family members.
Public Interaction
It is common to get anxious while publicly speaking. One of the common triggers includes speaking in front of an authoritative figure, presenting something to a group of people, or similar things.
Ways To Deal With Constant Anxiety
While anxiety may come with or without any reason, there are certain ways to manage it. The first step is to identify the triggers so that you can cope with your anxiety more effectively.
Thus, here are some tips that can help you with anxiety. These tips can help you in dealing with stuff that constantly worries you. Or else, you may use these techniques to calm yourself. These may help you in the long term as well as you will learn to handle your anxiety better. These include:
- You must prioritize yourself and focus on your diet. It will have a really good effect on you in the long term.
- You must eat regularly and not skip meals to keep your blood sugar levels.
- Incorporate good fats and foods that have anti-inflammatory properties.
- Incorporate meditation in your daily practice and focus on your inner self. Not only will your attention span increase, but you will also feel calm and relaxed.
- Regulate your sleep cycle.
- You can practice different breathing exercises for example breathing in for the count of 7 and breathing out for the count of 8. Or take a deep breath in and then breathe in more and this has many benefits for your brain and calming your nervous system. Thus, you will suddenly feel relaxed.
- Exercise also helps with mental health issues and improves your overall health as it releases serotonin to boost your mood.
It is important to understand that dealing with anxiety in the long term may require the help of a professional. However, there are certain strategies you may follow in dealing with it or at least reduce the intensity. For understanding activities that may help with anxiety, consult with Linda.