Post: Ortho-Bionomy®: A bodywork modality for reminding the body of its natural ability to find balance

Bodywork practitioners are presented daily with clients who are experiencing pain. This can be due to a restricted function due to underlying imbalances, caused by issues such as stress, injury, overuse, surgery, and accidents. Often the symptoms can persist or return unless there has been a change in the underlying structure.


Ortho-Bionomy is a form of bodywork and somatic education. It focuses on addressing structural imbalances through gentle movement and positioning, leading to postural re-education. In addition, balancing of the neuro lymphatic assists the energy systems of the body.


The techniques are designed to assist the body to self-correct & feel comfortable and move with ease. This self-correction is a part of the body’s natural self-organization capacity.


One way we communicate is through the proprioceptive nervous system. Proprioception is the primary way the body gets feedback about its physical positions including the speed of the messages at which the body or its parts are moving.


As a holistic healing practitioner. It has always been important to me to find ways to help people receive pain relief. This can be done without causing any pain to the clients. I work with the interface between the physical body and its neurological perception of itself, rather than trying to “fix” the body. My clients are able to easily change their tension and holding patterns and maintain this after their session.


When the body experiences pain, a natural response is to move in a way that recreates comfort that will dissipate the feeling of pain.  We are constantly adjusting ourselves throughout the day to feel at ease, whether we are standing, sitting or lying down.


If something hurts, we immediately try to move away from the source of pain. We may try rubbing or holding the affected area. By finding the patterns which the body is holding, we seek to match and amplify the body’s messages. This indicates how it is trying to heal itself.


Linda Joy Benn is a certified holistic healing practitioner, based in Brisbane, with 30 years of experience in several modalities, including remedial massage & reiki. She is a co-presenter at our online complimentary Master class, March 9th entitled 5 Natural Ways to reduce pain & live the life you love with energy


To learn more pain management strategies & tips, attend this free Master class. For more details, as well as to register for this event, simply click on the following link:

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