
Let go of trying to become, Come to BE

Let go of trying to become, Come to BE

We need to have both masculine & feminine energies in our body to be balanced. If we are too
much in one direction this can cause imbalance with how we show up in the world. For example, If we
are operating too much in the masculine energy, we could be pushing ourselves to the point of burn out,
constantly pushing & driving yourself to be successful and ignoring the signs from your body. Masculine
& feminine energy is in all of us, it is important for us to know when to step into warrior and when to
allow yourself to be in divine feminine.
Do you feel the life force energy flowing through your body? The more present you are, the more you
feel your life force energy flow. Be fully present in each moment of the day, focus on your purpose, feel
the feelings, feel the energy flowing through your body, be the observer and this lowers your stress and
abundance in all areas automatically flows.
Be in full gratitude each day. If you are truly present, it is impossible to be sick. Health issues come from
thoughts of the past and the future. Let go of trying to become, come to BE.
When you feel heavy/dense energy come in, transmute it, embody love and neutralize it. I call this
heavy energy which encompasses anything that is the opposite to love and light. Visualize a bubble
around you to protect yourself from energy vampires or toxic people. You become your environment
and who you surround yourself with. Be aware of how you are feeling in each moment.