


Answer following questions and submit it as a DOCX (word file) or PDF.

  • Realign your posture. Structurally, are you walking with your shoulders back and head held high?
  • Is your spine in alignment for the natural movement of your body?
  • How are you using your body to do daily tasks? EG. Picking up a heavy item, do you bend your knees and brace your abs to protect your back?
  • How does your body feel when you move around quickly?
  • Do you experience aches or pains? How often do you experience pain?
  • If youfeel pain in your body, tune into it and ask your body – where, shape, sound, colour, emotion that is associated with the pain.
  • How would you rate your diet scale 0-10?
  • What kinds of food and drink are you ingesting?
  • Are these foods in alignment with your health and wellbeing? Or do you feel they maybe depleting your body of nutrition, energy and creating illness?  
  • Is your nervous system in alignment with your energy? Or do you feel drained?