Burnout to Balance Transformation Journey takes you from Burnout, Stress to Health, Happiness & Fulfillment.

Are you awake at night stressed about your TODO lists?

  • Are you at a crossroads in your life?
  • Maybe a relationship breakdown?
  • Business challenges with employees and retention?
  • Rising business costs in a competitive market
  • Trying to juggle all the balls but have no clarity on how?

The Benn Method package provides solutions for professionals who are stressed, fatigued, burnt out, emotionally, physically, or mentally exhausted.

You may have health challenges from ongoing stress and lack of quality sleep.

The Benn Method has 4 easy steps –

  • Balance
  • Energy
  • Nurture
  • Nourish

Are you ready to step into the new version of YOU?

JOIN THE 5 DAY ENERGY REVITALIZER MAY 20-24 2024 – FREE EVENT. Each day will be based on Benn Method – Register Here

Are you struggling with stress, burnout, or emotional, physical, or mental exhaustion – the Benn Method can help. This step-by-step process helps professionals, corporate employees/execs, and business owners reconnect with themselves first, then your family and colleagues.

The BENN Method is a proven system that empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. By implementing this transformative approach into your daily routine, you’ll gain the tools and insights needed to break free from the cycle of burnout which leads to illness and exhaustion.

Imagine feeling empowered and in control of your health, making clear and confident choices that align with your values and aspirations. With the BENN Method, you’ll not only overcome your symptoms but thrive in every area of your life – from your career, health and relationships to your physical and emotional well-being.

It provides solutions for you to rebuild a balanced life with ease creating harmony in your life. STOP the struggle and suffering. Come back to the real you who is joyful, happy, healthy and clear about your purpose on this playground called Earth.

For individual sessions, scroll down and choose the session you are drawn to. Each service will take you to that page where you can book a day and time you prefer. In some sessions, we can combine different modalities. Any questions, email me directly.

For deeper committed to take charge of your life long term, the burnout to balance & beyond program is recommendation

  • Weekly group live training calls on Balance, Energy, Nurture & Nourish
  • Solutions to your challenges with ongoing guidance live with Linda Joy
  • Educational videos including tips, techniques, and tools for everyday life to step into the renewed YOU
  • Emergency call/text messages
  • Choose your 1-1 Private 60min session including – Intuitive Guidance/coaching & card reading, Advanced bodywork realignment, Energy work/Somatic, Psychic surgery, Chakra balance/healing, Reiki healing, Ortho-Bionomy Bodywork, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Facial Harmony Balancing.

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Not Interested in Monthly Package?

No worries you can book individual services below

Intuitive Bodywork healing

Intuitive Bodywork Energy Healing

Pellowah Healing

Pellowah Healing

A lit candle next to a selection of tarot cards representing a card reading

Intuitive Guidance / Card Readings

Reiki & Psychic healing (distant) online

Reiki & Psychic healing (distant) online

Harmonize your Bioenergetic field

Linda Joy is a Master Healer, Trainer, Mentor, Workshop Facilitator, Coach Consultant, and Intuitive Counsellor on a mission to wake up humanity and connect people with their souls mission.

With over 30 years of experience, Linda Joy developed The BENN Method™ self-care to avoid burnout, plus a 5-Step Program that forms the basis of her work. As well as personal services, Linda Joy offers deep subconscious coaching to help clients make life-changing choices and walk away ready to live a life full of love, balance, peace and joy.