Five-step process, foundation to the Benn Method, to help you return to your original divine blueprint.

Feeling stressed, anxious and devastated after a relationship breakdown?


Are you feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious which is keeping you awake at night? Has the last couple of years caused major transitions in your life such as illness, job redundancy, or traumatic events? such as, divorce or separation? Or any relationship breakdown can cause major stress, loneliness, and uncertainty.

This could drain your energy making it difficult to feel energized in the morning? Maybe feeling aches and pains and the energy you used to have just isn’t there and you want it back!

Join us to discover how to create a stress-free life with increased energy, focus, productivity, resilience and balance.

5R Renewal Program

This is a five-step process, foundation to the Benn Method, to help you return to your original divine blueprint.


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Release negative emotions from past experiences that are holding you back.


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Recognise the importance of happiness and its impact accomplishing your goals.


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Bounce back from failures, disappointment and bad experiences to discover new opportunities.


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Rebalance your thoughts and emotions towards leading a better life.


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Wake up feeling energized, happy, joyful and excited for a new day.

This program is about massive transformation feeling confident to move forward.
Are YOU ready?

5R Renewal Program

The 5R Benn Renewal Program will shift your brain beyond traumatic situations and circumstances, so your life moves in the direction of peace, balance and wellness. You will feel love, compassion and forgiveness for yourself.

I didn’t know what to expect before starting the program, because all of this stuff was still pretty new to me. My goals were to become more secure in myself and to move on from my break-up. During the program, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the videos were incredibly detailed and exciting and the quizzes asked questions that made you dig deep. I admire Linda’s enthusiasm and light that she emits in the presence of everyone she meets. It helped keep me engaged and eager to come back for more. The program helped break the surface and shown me what needs to be worked on further to allow me to become my true, authentic self. With the low group numbers, Linda was able to provide 1-on-1 support to my fellow group member and myself so that was definitely a plus because I asked a lot of questions 🙂 I believe that I am meant to be on this journey of spiritual development and the Universe has placed Linda on my path to help me along the way. If you want to start your spiritual journey off right, then do the 5R Renewal Program! Compared to other coaches, the cost includes a lot and you get a lot out of it when you put in the effort. I look forward to continuing my partnership with Linda and to what the future holds for me.

Kat Deen, student Benn program

5R Renewal Program Payment



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