What is intuitive bodywork/energy healing?

Unprocessed emotions, traumas, and memories are stored in our bodies until they can be processed and released. Intuitive bodywork energy healing removes energy blocks that cause pain, illness or disease. I tune into your body to release long-held patterns from trauma, tension and stress that cause suffering.

Using a combination of energy healing and deliberate movements that reposition your body to naturally release your stress and pain patterns. This naturally rebalances your nervous system and the messages to your joints and muscles.

What to expect in a treatment

During an intuitive bodywork energy session, I work intuitively to realign your body structurally and energetically to –

  1. Restore the chi, or life force, via the meridians
  2. Rebalance the nervous system and other systems.
  3. Assist the person in feeling re-energized and lighter in their being
  4. Re-educate the body with new information to unwind the holding patterns.

Some of the tools I use in my private sessions included in my coaching programs include:

After the session, your body’s systems and structure will continue to self-heal, self-regulate, self-balance, and self-correct.

Pellowah Healing

Treatment duration

90 minutes

SPECIAL PACKAGES included in Private Coaching 90days 

Realign energetically and set goals for the year that benefit your highest good. If you are looking for a rebalance, reenergize and reconnect with your higher self.

A session includes Intuitive advanced bodywork energy work, psychic surgery, chakra balance, chakra healing and more.

3 x treatments x 90 min = $997

How intuitive bodywork energy healing can help you

Energetic blockages on the emotional level can lead to depression, anxiety, dissociation, rage, and other imbalances.

In the physical body, blockages may manifest as tension, pain, dysfunction, or disease. For instance, blockages in the:

• throat may create thyroid issues, tonsillitis, or infection.

• spine may lead to poor posture, chronic back pain or recurring headaches.

Mentally, these blockages cause unhealthy and limiting thought patterns, such as self-abusive thoughts.

As a result, people feel disconnected from their spirit and everything around them. This disconnectedness is at the root of deep unhappiness for many people and is so common in our society.

Benn Method Services

5R Renewal Program Online

Best for stuck & stressed professionals

  • Online 5 modules
  • 5 step modules – Release, Realign, Restore, Rebalance, Reenergize
  • Workbook for your ongoing growth

Benn Method Transformation

Best for Busy Burnout Business Owners

  • 60min 1-1private session of your choice prioritized for you

  • Include 4 weeks of training on the BENN Method – Balance, Energy, Nurture & Nourish
  • Live Q&A on zoom 1/month

Transformational 1-1 Coaching Package

Best for burnt out executives & Dentists

  • 2 x 120min private journey sessions/month
  • Ongoing support/guidance
  • Include 5R Renewal Program online course
  • Phone/Email/Text support when needed

Bodywork healing intuitive session.

You will feel empowered, confident physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually.

Cancellation Policy

We understand that sometimes things need to change. Linda’s cancellation policy is 24 hours notice. Otherwise full payment is required. NO SHOW – full balance is due for the session booked. Thank you for your respect and consideration when booking your appointment time.

Linda Joy is a Master Healer, Trainer, Mentor, Workshop Facilitator, Coach Consultant, and Intuitive Counsellor on a mission to wake up humanity and connect people with their souls mission.

With over 30 years of experience, Linda Joy developed The BENN Methodâ„¢ self-care to avoid burnout, plus a 5-Step Program that forms the basis of her work. As well as personal services, Linda Joy offers deep subconscious coaching to help clients make life-changing choices and walk away ready to live a life full of love, balance, peace and joy.