Join our FREE live Masterclass held at 7pm AEST on zoom – see link below to register.

This is a live Q&A on zoom to answer your questions from the 5 day discovery.

Are you feeling energized after the 5 day training?

If you did not receive the video trainings register to receive all the videos

Today’s masterclass is an opportunity to ask your questions and continue to share what has shifted for you from the training. How is your energy vibration now?

We will share in a safe space to receive solutions to your biggest challenges. You will discover tools to overcome what is holding you back from your magnificence. Whenever we feel stuck on our journey, this is an opportunity to learn and grow. You are not broken so be kind and loving to yourself.

In my signature program of 5 steps Benn Renewal program, this is the foundation to the BENN Method.

We will deep dive into each step so you can reclaim your power and take charge of your life.

The 5R’s stand for

o Release

o Realign

o Restore

o Rebalance

o Re-energize

In this masterclass we will dive deeper into the 5 important steps to go from-

– Chronic stress/pain to freedom, energy & vitality

– Release negative thoughts, beliefs and emotions to inner peace & joy

– Frustration, lost direction, trauma to clarity, empowerment & on purpose.

What is holding you back from living in bliss, love, laughter, joy and success? Feeling energized every day?

The Benn Renewal Program is a step by step program to help you reclaim your power, make clear choices for your highest good and improve your overall health & wellbeing on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically & spiritually.

When in alignment with your purpose you will have clarity on your direction & clarity on your goals. Why you are here and what do you choose to contribute to society, to the planet or to humanity?

You reconnect to your true authentic self, your heart knows what your purpose is – its embedded in the place of joy within you. Your true essence. Its the reason for being here on the earth at this time.

The BENN Method™: Balance, Energy, Nurture & Nourish= New Life.

Take your Soul from “trauma to thriving”, resulting in freedom, love, peace and joy.

The BENN method™ is a transformation tool to follow on after the 5R Renewal program. This method holistically helps brings people back to their true authentic self of love, joy, peace, and freedom on a daily basis.

The purpose of the BENN Method is to help your soul awaken to your spirituality, reignite your soul to your true authentic self to your purpose. Go from a burnt out, stressed life feeling exhausted and unfulfilled to live feeling increased energy, focus, productivity, resilience and balance in all areas of your lives.

The BENN Method™ incorporates 30 years of everything gathered from all Linda’s global teachers, coaches and mentors.

Join us to discover how to create a stress-free life with increased energy, focus, productivity, resilience and balance.

Tonight is a free masterclass to answer questions after the 5 day training, an opportunity to go deeper into your personal and spiritual growth.

To learn more register

Add your name and email to register and you automatically receive the zoom link. Click on this link on the day to join the call. See you soon 🙂

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